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Результаты 36 по 55 из 72 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Gender aspects of the digital economy in contemporary RussiaКузьмина Анастасия Игоревна; Kuzmina Anastasia Igorevna
2022Gender discrimination in the contemporary Russian labor marketМалыш Ольга Сергеевна; Malys Olga Sergeevna
2021A healthy lifestyle as an element of corporate culture: an economic and sociological analysis of employee motivationСерегина Анна Николаевна; Seregina Anna Nikolaevna
2024How Friendly Sino-Russian Relations Influence and Foster the Development of Economies of the Two CountriesЧжан Чжэн; Czan Czen
2019Human capital development within the "one belt - one way" project: A case study of the north-western provinces of ChinaЧжан Шуньюй; Czan Sunuj
2023Impact construction of eco-smart buildings on the process of urbanisation in Russia and ChinaВэй Цзяньхуа; Vej Czanhua
2023Impact of anti-corruption policies on social and economic development in Russia and ChinaЛи Цзунфан; Li Czunfan
2023Impact of housing provision in modern cities on the social and economic development of Russia and ChinaЧжан Пу; Czan Pu
2023Impact of the real estate industry and market on development in Russia and China: an economic and sociological analysisВан Вэньфэй; Van Venfej
2023Impact of trade cooperation within the "One Belt, One Road" project on the social and economic development of Russia and ChinaЧэнь Боянь; Cen Boan
2022The impact of traffic on life in large cities in Russia and ChinaЛю Цзыхао; Lu Czyhao
2022The influence of logistics on the development of communications with consumers in Russia and China: economic and sociological analysisСин Синьсинь; Sin Sinsin
2019The influence of mass culture on consumer behaviour in Russia and China: A study of fashion industryЦзя Мэн; Cza Men
2024The Influence of Public Health on the Economic Development of Russia and China: a Sociological AnalysisМа Вэньда; Ma Venda
2023Internet celebrity economics in China: a sociological analysisЦю Цзэхай; Cu Czehaj
2024Modern Hospitality Industry in St.Petersburg: Economic and Sociological AnalysisКорнюшко Екатерина Александровна; Kornusko Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
2019Modern migration policy in Russia and ChinaЛазарева Анастасия Александровна; Lazareva Anastasia Aleksandrovna
2022Modern trade union movement in China and Russia: a sociological analysisБи Цзяньцзюнь; Bi Czanczun
2023Opportunities for the development of social ties between the northeastern provinces of the PRC and the Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian FederationЧжан Чжунвэй; Czan Czunvej
2023Organisational culture in Russian and Chinese companiesСунь Жуй Линь; Sun Zuj Lin