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cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Knowledge of Ancient Culture and Architectural Criticism in the 1960s: Arche in the Modern ArchitectureVolchok, Yury; Волчок, Ю.П.
cover.jpg.jpg2012La basilique à coupole et l’église à croix inscrite entre l’Est et l’Ouest: certains problèmes d’étude à l’example de l’architecture de l’ancienne Croatie et Serbie. L’architecture chrétienne médiévale: interaction des traditions. L’Orient et l’OccidentMaltseva, Svetlana V.; Мальцева, С.В.; Maltseva, Svetlana V.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015A Large Sarcophagus from Myrmekion. On Understanding of the Semantic of the ImageryVinogradov, Iurii; Виноградов, Ю.А.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Liturgical Scrolls of Southern Italy as a Special Type of Illuminated ManuscriptsKovalevskaia, Svetlana; Ковалевская, С.В.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Luminous Effects in the Interior of the Church of St. Nikola The Wet in Yaroslavl’ and the Church the Resurrection in the Town of Romanov-BorisoglebskRozhniatovskii, Vsevolod; Рожнятовский, Вс.М.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Masks in Medieval Armenian SculptureHakobyan, Zaruhi; Акопян, З.А.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Meander Motif in Décor of the Old Rus’ Church MasonryJolshin, Denis; Ёлшин, Д.Д.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Mediaeval Architecture of the Mendicant Orders in Poland — Origins and CharacteristicsVaniushin, Artem; Ванюшин, А.С.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Monuments of Antique Architecture in Maurice Denis’ Landscapes at the Turn of the Century: in the Context of Discussion about Classical Tradition of French ArtTrusova, Polina; Трусова, П.А.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Mosaic from Aldborough, Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire: the Problem of Its AuthenticityLarionov, Andrei; Ларионов, А.И.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Neoclassicism in the Art Practice of Royal Copenhagen Porcelain Manufactory MastersYarmosh, Anastasia; Ярмош, А.С.
cover2013-600.jpg.jpg2013On the Prototypes and Chronology of Buildings of the Last Period of Medieval Serbian Architecture (Some Remarks on the Historiography)Maltseva, Svetlana V.; Мальцева, С.В.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015On the Scenes in the Sixth Tier of Vasil’evskie GatesBulkin, Valentin; Булкин, В.А.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Original Items and Imitations of Classical Antiquity in Isabella d’Este’s GrottaMakho, Olga; Махо, О.Г.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015“Ornamenti infiniti” and Benedetto da Rovezzano’s Appeal to the Legacy of Classical AntiquityLopukhova, Marina; Лопухова, М.А.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Parallax of Antiquity. «Orgies» by Dmitry GutovOvchinnikov, Mikhail; Овчинников, М.В.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Pathos versus Ideal in Classical Greek Sculpture and the Parian OutputKatsonopoulou, Dora; Кацонопулу, Д.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Philosophy of Alexander Bykhovskii’s Creative Work: Art and Poetry (1888–1978)Mentiukova (Ivanova), Olga; Ментюкова (Иванова), O. K.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015The Poet as a Saint: The Caxton Master’s Portrait of Ovid and Its Literary BackgroundHollick, Bernhard; Бернард, Холлик
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Polychrome or Tetrachrome? Colour in Greek Painting of the 5th–4th Centuries BCDruzhinina, Ekaterina; Дружинина, Е.А.