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cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Early Byzantine coins: Ancient influences and traditions in the early Middle AgesDrapelova, Pavla Gkantzios; Драпелова, П.Г.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015The Emperor Teophilos (829–842) between classicism and exoticismPedone, Silvia; Педоне, С.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Evolution of Doric Frieze Forms. Methods of Geometric Morphometrics in Statistical Analysis of Architectural ElementsKolosov, Vladimir; Колосов, В.П.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Family Inheritance: Classical Antiquities Reused and Displayed in Byzantine CitiesBevilacqua, Livia; Бевилаква, Л.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Fresco Fragments from Villa Arianna Excavated by Expedition of the State Hermitage: Art as a Mass Archeological MaterialButyagin, Alexander; Бутягин, А.М.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015From Ancient Mausoleums to Rotunda Buildings of the Classicist Period. The Genesis of Form and ConstructionKlimenko, Julia; Клименко, Ю.Г.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Greek Colonies of Dalmatia: Christianization by means of ArchitectureVoronova, Ariadna; Воронова, А.А.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Guillaum Apollinaire’s “Orphism”. Ancient Myth and Pure Painting of F. Kupka, R. Delaunay and F. PicabiaAlexeeva, Anna; Алексеева, А.В.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015The History of the Horse: Interpreting the Classical Idea in Bartolomeo Rastrelli’s Equestrian Monument to Peter the GreatChezhina, Julia; Чежина, Ю.И.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Iconic Rhetoric in Alexander Ivanov’s Painting Joseph Interprets the Dreams of the Cup-Bearer and the BakerSechin, Alexander; Сечин, А.Г.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015The Idea of Rome beyond RomeUscatescu, Alexandra; Александра, Ускатеску
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Illustrations to “Dialogues of the Dead”: a Problem of the Validation of the Title of the Russian Emperor in the 18th CenturySkvortcova, Ekaterina; Скворцова, Е.А.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Image of a Ruler and Classical Tradition at the Ferrara Court in the 15th and Early 16th CenturiesChurkina, Daria; Чуркина, Д.А.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Imagery and Written Sources of Classical Antiquity and the Problem of Interpretation of Prehistoric European ArtPalaguta, Ilia; Палагута, И.В.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Images of Antique Cities and “Fire Landscapes” in West European Art of the 16th centuryKostyria, Maksim; Костыря, М.А.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Images of Antiquity in Moscow Inofficial Art of the Second Half of the 1970s–1980sFlorkovskaia, Anna; Флорковская, A.K.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Inspiration with Antiquity in Polish Art around 1900sMalinowski, Jerzy; Gavrash, Irina; Малиновски, Е.; Гавраш, И.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Johann Zoffany, Classical Art, Italy and Russian Patronage: Shedding New Light on Models, Men and PaintingsAmbrosini Massari, Anna Maria; Амброзини Массари, А. М.
cover2015.jpg.jpg2015Knowledge of Ancient Culture and Architectural Criticism in the 1960s: Arche in the Modern ArchitectureVolchok, Yury; Волчок, Ю.П.
cover.jpg.jpg2012La basilique à coupole et l’église à croix inscrite entre l’Est et l’Ouest: certains problèmes d’étude à l’example de l’architecture de l’ancienne Croatie et Serbie. L’architecture chrétienne médiévale: interaction des traditions. L’Orient et l’OccidentMaltseva, Svetlana V.; Мальцева, С.В.; Maltseva, Svetlana V.