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Результаты 13 по 32 из 35 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Gender issues in the Islamic contextСеменова Римма Дмитриевна; Semenova Rimma
reviewSV_otzyv-timofeeva.jpg.jpg2018Hausa legends of cities' and states' originТимофеева Юлия Олеговна; Timofeeva Iuliia
2017The Hezbollah group: Late 20th – early 21st centuriesИванов Константин Александрович; Ivanov Konstantin
2017The history of tourism in the Arab countries: The cases of Jordan and the UAEЖамгарян Григорий Ашотович; Zhamgaryan Grigory
2017History of tourism in the Nile ValleyБогданов Даниил Юрьевич; Bogdanov Daniil
reviewSV_soglasie_obrabotku_dannyx.jpeg.jpg2017The impact of the 1920 events on the evolution of the political system in SyriaМатросов Валерий Анатольевич; Matrosov Valeriy
2017The impact of the Arab Spring on the tourism sector in the Syrian Arab RepublicМуллабаев Роман Юрьевич; Mullabaev Roman
2017Islamic banking in the Russian Federation: Development trendsСидоренко Карина Дмитриевна; Sidorenko Karina
2021Jewish communities in the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic: From the late 18th century to 1945Калинина Анастасия Евгеньевна; Kalinina Anastasia Evgenevna
2017The Kingdom of Morocco as a tourist destination: A perspectives analysisСайгушева Арина Романовна; Saigusheva Arina
2016Labour migration in Africa: Evidence from Nigeria and SudanШтопов Даниил Михайлович; Shtopov Daniil
2023Mahdism and Sufi brotherhoods of Sudan in 1881-1898Лускань Егор Алексеевич; Luskan Egor Alekseevic
2021Memoirs of Islamic revolutionaries as a historical source on everyday life of the Iranian revolutionary underground in Syria and Lebanon in the 1970sВишнякова Ирина Андреевна; Visnakova Irina Andreevna
reviewSV_Otzyv_Ersov.jpg.jpg2022Principles of rationalist philosophy in the writings of Hassan al-TurabiЕршов Всеволод Владимирович; Ersov Vsevolod Vladimirovic
2021Reflection of the aesthetic and spiritual distinctness of Islamic graphic art: A case study of Arabic calligraphy in St. Petersburg architecture of the 19th-20th centuries.Лебедянская Мария Владимировна; Lebedanskaa Maria Vladimirovna
2024The rise and decline of the island territories of Muscat and Oman in East Africa as a result of Great Britain's expansion in the region: A historical regional analysis (from the mid-19th to the mid-20th centuries)Малинина Екатерина Яковлевна; Malinina Ekaterina Akovlevna
2017The rise of Algerian nationalist ideology and policy in the mid-20th centuryХоджаева Волида Исломходжаевна; Khodzhaeva Volida
2022"The School of Manners" as the source on the religious beliefs of Parsees in the 17th-century Mughal IndiaКутовых Данила Дмитриевич; Kutovyh Danila Dmitrievic
2017Socio-political and cultural life in Fatimid EgyptШакунова Лариса Андреевна; Shakunova Larisa
reviewSV_recenziya_Satarov.jpeg.jpg2017Sudan and the Red Sea area in the 16th – 19th centuriesСатаров Андрей Аркадьевич; Satarov Andrei