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Результаты 1-10 из 18.
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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
дек-2018To the history of Saint-Petersburg school of Probability and Statistics. III. Functional distributions, stochastic geometry and extremaBorodin, Andrey N.; Davydov, Yuriy A.; Nevzorov, Valeriy B.
дек-2018Two-dimensional homogeneous cubic systems: classification and normal forms—VBasov, Vladimir V.; Chermnykh, Aleksandr S.
дек-2018Modeling of energy characteristics of atmospheric boundary layerSolovev, Sergey Yu.; Khrapunov, Evgenii F.
дек-2018Specificity of the Darboux mechanism rectilinear motionBurian, Sergei N.
дек-2018A method for finding the optimal solution of a differential inclusionFominyh, Alexander V.
дек-2018Energy dissipation during vibrations of non-uniform composite structures. 2. Method of solutionParshina, Ludmila V.; Ryabov, Victor M.; Yartsev, Boris A.
дек-2018An estimate for the number of periodical trajectories of the given period for a mapping of an interval, Lucas numbers, and necklacesIvanov, Oleg А.
дек-2018Honda formal group in unramified p-extension of local field as Galois moduleHakobyan, Tigran L.; Vostokov, Sergei V.
дек-2018Connection of the B¨ottcher equation with the parametrized Poisson integralKalnitsky, Vyacheslav S.; Petrov, Andrey N.
дек-2018The synthesis of stabilization control by output for certain class of continuous and pulse modulated undefined systemsZuber, Irina E.; Gelig, Arkadiy Kh.