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Результаты 1-10 из 20.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
дек-2018Intellectual Abilities of Russian Peasants of the Pre-industrial EraMironov, Boris N.
дек-2018Jan Sobieski — the Legend and the RealityIvonina, Liudmila I.
дек-2018Spiritual Feat in the History of Buddhism of RussiaErshova, Galina G.
дек-2018The Fall of the Autocracy and the Russian Emigrés in ArgentinaDementyev, Alexander A.
дек-2018Eduard Frolov, the Outstanding St. Petersburg Ancient HistorianKlimov, Oleg Yu.; Kulishova, Oksana V.; Panteleev, Alexey D.; Kholod, Maxim M.
дек-2018To the Question of the Place and Role of the Bund in the Processes of the First Russian RevolutionBezarov, Alexander T.
дек-2018The Universities of the Russian Empire in the Soviet HistoriographyPosokhov, Sergiy
дек-2018Protest and Discipline: Shostakovich and the Revolutionary SelfKelly, Catriona
дек-2018Olonets Province Peasants at Military Transportations near St. Petersburg in the Period of the Napoleon’s InvasionPashkov, Аleksandr M.
дек-2018Landowners’ Сolonization of BashkiriaShaikhislamov, Rashit B.; Aznabaev, Bulat A.