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dc.contributor.authorArtemov, Alexander-
dc.contributor.authorАртемов, А.-
dc.description.abstractThe goal of the study is to extract the differences (in comparison to world-wide practices) and cons. of implementation of SaaS business model by Russian vendors. The field of Russian SaaS market and its view from the vendor‟s side is basically very small amount of research done. Although no academia sources comparing the indicators of Software-as-a-Service business model implementation are present. In order to focus on the topic the qualitative research method was chose for the study. While performing the empirical part, a very high rate of interest from the vendor‟s side was demonstrated. The practices performed on the Russian market often repeat the International ones, although, taking into consideration that the market is on its almost launching point, there are a lot of external factors effecting it. The relatively small rate of competition sometimes helps to succeed companies even if the underperform necessary activities. Although the world-wide practices might be used in order to improve the vendor‟s position on the market.en_GB
dc.publisherGraduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg University, Master in Information Technologies and Innovation Managementen_GB
dc.subjectbusiness modelen_GB
dc.subjectbusiness model implementationen_GB
dc.subjectRussian and international marketsen_GB
dc.titleSaaS Business Model Implementation on the International and Russian Marketsen_GB
dc.title.alternativeРеализация бизнес модели "софт как услуга" на международном и российском рынкахen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Master's Theses

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