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dc.contributor.authorBryantsev, M. V.-
dc.identifier.citationBryantsev M. V. Anglo-Soviet Conflict of 1927 in the Representation of People of the Soviet Provinces, Modern History of Russia, no. 3, 2017, pp. 100–114.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThis article is devoted to the representation of the population of Soviet Russia of the Anglo-Soviet conflict in 1927. Based on materials of regional archives, the author notes that the deterioration of relations with Britain and a number of other international events have put in the public mind a number of questions related to the understanding of the population of the principles of proletarian internationalism and the world revolution. As a result of activities undertaken within the framework of the international coverage of events, the Bolsheviks managed to form the majority of the population view of the peaceful foreign policy of the USSR. However, the “military alert in 1927” clearly showed the complexity of the mosaic and the public mood. Analysis of the data shows that, in spite of the massive processing of the population, the authorities did not manage to avoid negative evaluations of the USSR in the international arena. Opinion of the Bolshevik government’s culpability in unleashing a future war was popular not only among the anti-Soviet population. At the same time, the gap in England relations with the USSR allowed to put questions of internal policy of the Bolsheviks, to reflect on the results of their ten-year reign. During this time, the population was formed in disappointment promises to create a just society, and therefore a threat of war made it possible to say what was previously hidden deep in the mind, first of all, it is dissatisfaction with the Soviet government achievements in building a socialist society. We can say that the great mass of people gradually began to see clearly, seeing the results of the policy of the Bolsheviks. All this gave rise to a feeling of social frustration, mass frustration. Under these conditions, part of the population was ready to accept the defeat of the USSR in the coming war, noting the economic and socio-political weakness of the system created by the Bolsheviks.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesModern History of Russia;Issue 3(20)-
dc.subjectSoviet Unionen_GB
dc.subjectAgitation Campaignen_GB
dc.titleAnglo-Soviet Conflict of 1927 in the Representation of People of the Soviet Provincesen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 3

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