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dc.contributor.authorMuravyev, Alexander A.
dc.descriptionFull text in Russian. Executive summary in English is available at pp.56-57.ru
dc.description.abstractThe paper focuses on the current state of economic science in Russia with a particular emphasis on the role of Russian journals in accumulation and dissemination of knowledge. We compare important quantitative characteristics of Russian and international journals in the field of economics. We also attempt to establish correspondences between the impact-factor of the Russian Science Citation Index on the one hand and the impact-factors of RePEc and Web of Science databases on the other hand. Using the EconLit database we analyze publications of Russian economists, who can be regarded, according to a number of criteria, as most active researchers, in international journals. Among our main conclusions are low quality of Russian economic journals and low recognition of them in the world, a limited number of Russian economists who are actively publishing in international journals, with most of them concentrated in few institutions such as New Economic School, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Higher School of Economics. Overall, our analysis confirms the widely held view that economic science in Russia is progressing rather slowly and remains poorly integrated into the world’s science.ru
dc.publisherGraduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University
dc.relation.ispartofseriesWorking Papers; 1 (R)-2011
dc.subjectRussian economic scienceru
dc.subjectRussian economic journalsru
dc.subjectbibliometric rankingsru
dc.subjectроссийская экономическая наукаru
dc.subjectроссийские экономические журналыru
dc.subjectбиблиометрические рейтингиru
dc.titleEconomic science in Russia through the lens of publications of Russian economists in national and international journals over 2000-2009ru
dc.title.alternativeО российской экономической науке сквозь призму публикаций российских ученых в отечественных и зарубежных журналах за 2000-2009 гг.
dc.typeWorking Paperru
dc.contributor.altauthorМуравьев, А. А.
Располагается в коллекциях:Working Papers

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