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dc.contributor.authorDenisov, Alexander F.
dc.description.abstractIn this paper we shall examine the unusual functions of personnel. We know that managerial functions of personnel are such as planning, enrolment and selection, development, compensation, controlling. But this paper represents the results of research analyzing the unusual tasks of Human Resource Management. There are a number of tasks that cannot be described by the accepted classification of functional tasks of the specialist in the field of human resources management. Executive summary is available at pp. 25.ru
dc.publisherGraduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University
dc.relation.ispartofseriesWorking Paper; #2 (R)–2013
dc.subjectprofile developmentru
dc.subjectHR managementru
dc.subjectразработка профилей
dc.subjectуправление человеческими ресурсами
dc.titleNot to Miss the Details, or What Can Make Life Difficult for HR Specialistru
dc.title.alternativeНе упустить детали, или Что может осложнить жизнь специалисту по УЧР
dc.typeWorking Paperru
dc.contributor.altauthorДенисов, А. Ф.
Располагается в коллекциях:Working Papers

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