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Mar-2017Dynamics in Development of the Title as a Paratextual Element (Based on German Travel Literature of 18th and 19th Century)Moreva, Anastasia V.
Mar-2017On a Paradox Revealed by Yu. S. MaslovSamedova, Nezrin Goussein
Mar-2017Women as Teachers, Artists, Students vs. “Beautiful Female Dead Body” (Female Roles in Th. Fontane’s “Effi Briest” and R. W. Fassbinder’s Screen Version)Eliseeva, Aleksandra V.
Mar-201745th International Philological Conference, 2016, March 14–21, St. Petersburg, Russia-
Jun-2017“Young People of Harbin Require Our Support, We’re on the Right Track…” (From Unpublished Heritage of Russian Journalism)Babkina, Еkaterina S.
Mar-2017Unreliable Narration in W. Golding’s Novel “Rites of Passage”Lastochkina, Anna S.
Mar-2017From the Romantic to Hilarious: Pretext Alterations in A Legend of the Rhine by William ThackerayTuliakova, Natalia A.
Mar-2017Literary Life in The Second Half of the 18th Century Through the Prism of Rhetoric. Book Review: Avtukhovich T. E. Ritorika. Zhizn’. Literatura: Issledovaniia po istorii russkoi literatury XVIII veka [Rhetoric. Life. Literature: Studies in the History of Russian Literature of the 18th Century]. Minsk, Limarius Publ., 2015. 416 p.Kretova, Evgenia D.
Mar-2017Book Review: Krys’ko V. B., Ladyzhenskii, I. M., Mezhikovskaia, T. I. (eds.). Il’ina kniga (XI v.): Issledovaniia. Ukazateli [Elijah’s Book (11th century): Studies. Indexes]. Moscow, OOO «Izdatel’skii tsentr “Azbukovnik”», 2015. 288 p.Popov, Mikhail B.
Mar-2017Sound Contraction at Word Boundaries in Spontaneous and Read- Aloud Speech: Evidence from RussianNigmatulina, Yuliya O.