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Результаты 1-10 из 9717.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
дек-2016On Contemporary Internationalization Strategies of Russian Innovative Non-Commodity CompaniesGorbunova, Maria L.; Prikazchikova, Yuliya V.
дек-2016Price Discrimination In New Apartments Market In RussiaStorchevoy, Maksim A.; Kholodilin, Konstantin A.; Sorokin, Dmitry M.; Sharapudinov, Shamil Sh.
дек-2016Managerial Theory of Firm: Towards a Synthesis of Finance and Strategic ManagementBukhvalov, Alexander V.
дек-2016Competencies Model of a Leader In a Healthcare Organization: International Experience of Distributed Leadership ImplementationKudelina, Olga V.
дек-2016The XV National Joint Congress of Professional Corporate Directors-
мар-2017Public biased urban philosopher. Should philosophy be only urban (philosophy of the city)?Bojanić, Petar
мар-2017Born in revolution (Eurasian intuition in philosophical journalism the early 1920s)Dudnik, Sergei I.; Kamneva, Lolita S.; Sokolov, Alexey M.
мар-2017Ethnographic works of Kawahara Keiga: agriculture, fishing and huntingSemenova, Anna S.
мар-2017Chromato-mass spectrometric identification of products of quercetin oxidation by atmospheric oxygen in aqueous solutionsPushkareva, Tatiana I.; Zenkevich, Igor G.
мар-2017The Fabre case. On the problems of criticismKotlomanov, Alexander O.