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Результаты 1-10 из 107.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017The Phenomenon of Sabotage in the Socio-Political Context and in Contemporary Discourse of Humanitarian KnowledgeKondrashin, V. V.; Sukhova, O. A.
сен-2017A history for the centenary of the Russian revolutionSablin, Ivan
сен-2017The First Soviet Sputnik as an Impetus to the Reform of American Education: On the 60th Anniversary of this Historic EventKrymskaya, A. S.
дек-2017The play “Waiting for Lefty” by Clifford Odets: censorship and self-censorship of texts in the USA and the USSRGudkov, Maksim M.
дек-2017“See. Understand. Fall in Love”: The Soviet Foreign Tourism and Public Diplomacy during the Cold WarPopov, A. D.
дек-2017Soviet Foreign Policy in 1920–1930s and Latin America (Based on Journals of Politburo)Jeifets, L. S.; Andreev, A. S.
дек-2017“Soviet Globalism: Theory and Practice of the World Socialist System in 1950s — 1970s”: The Round Table Discussion in the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences-
дек-2017“Dalstroy” Factor and Cultural Policy in the North-East of the USSR in 1953– 1960sGrebenyuk, P. S.
мар-2018Soviet Export of Forest in the late 1920s — early 1930s and Competition on European MarketRupasov, A. I.
мар-2018“The Unemployment Ghost”: A problem of Miners’ and Their Family Members’ Employment in Coal-mining Regions of the RSFSR at the End of the 1950s and the Beginning of the 1970s’Bakanov, S. A.