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Результаты 1-10 из 16.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
дек-2017Lev Trotsky and the utopian imagination in the Russian revolutionSteinberg, Mark D.
дек-2017The revolution that plunged Russia into a time of troubles and robbed the country of victoryMironov, Boris N.
дек-2017Socio-economic management during World War I and revolutionPotkina, Irina V.
дек-2017The caucasian policy of the imperial branches of power during the first Russian revolutionYanchenko, Denis G.; Shorokhov, Vladimir A.
дек-2017Religious policy of the Russian Empire in the BalticsFreeze, Gregory
дек-2017A Quiet Revolution of Edward HeathChepik, Victor N.
дек-2017An outstanding representative of St. Petersburg historical school Yuriy Georgievich AlekseevDvornichenko, Andrey Yu.; Shtykov, Nikolaj V.
дек-2017Persecution of the Ambur skete in the letters of Alexander Stepanovitch PrugavinSazhin, Boris B.; Kuznetsova, Natal’ya Yu.
дек-2017The February revolution a hundred years later (continued)Kulikov, Sergey V.
дек-2017The experience of creating a new concept of state in Russian historySzvák, Gyula