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Результаты 1-10 из 16.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
июн-2017Possibilities of technological analysis of historical papers in source-study investigation of monumentsBalachenkova, Aleksandra P.; Tsypkin, Denis O.
июн-2017Chimeras in the false mirrors of historiographyPuzanov, Viktor V.
июн-2017The seal casts collection and the digitisation of the sigillographic collections of the national archives of BelgiumLibert, Marc
июн-2017Sources for the study of the Russian emigration to ItalyBuluchevskaia, Elizaveta A.
июн-2017One German late medieval paper prayer book from the collection of Russian National LibraryBondarko, Nikolai A.; Logutova, Margarita G.; Lyakhovitskiy, Evgenij A.
июн-2017Decembrist movement in the creativity of George VernadskyDvornichenko, Andrey Yu.; Belousov, Mikhail S.
июн-2017Iconography of the illusrtated chronicle of Celestial phenomenaMarkelov, Gleb V.; Sirenov, Aleksej V.
июн-2017New light on the sources of the illuminations of the Christian Topography of Kosmas IndikopleustesBerti, Vittorio; Cantone, Valentina
июн-2017Pamphlet as a means of a propaganda in Baltic region in early modern timeWeber, Dmitriy I.
июн-2017Mystification of the baltic questionKrotov, Pavel A.