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Результаты 31-40 из 533.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2014The relationship between intellectual capital management and firm performance: the case of a manufacturing companyAndreeva, Ekaterina S.
2013Analysis of influence of dynamic of residual earnings on quality of valuation using Ohlson model on Russian market in different macroeconomic cyclesAndreev, Konstantin V.; Андреев, К. В.
2012Private label's role in customer loyalty creation for retail chains on the consumer market of Russia (case of international retailers Auchan and Prisma)Kosyrev, Kirill A.; Косырев, К. А.
2011Online relationship marketing development: The case of 4- and 5-star hotels in Russia and AustriaGeta, Ekaterina; Гета, Е.
2011The impact of foreign shareholders on a company's performance: The analysis of Russian listed companiesBugaeva, Iuliia; Бугаева, Ю.
2012The Role of Intellectual Capital in Company’s Value Creation: the case of Russian and Foreign CompaniesChistokletov, Maxim; Чистоклетов, М.
2012Entrepreneurial framework conditions in emerging economies: Evidence from GEM dataKomarova, Nadezda; Комарова, Н.
2012Study of the relationship between the Board of Directors structure, frequency of meetings and firm financial performance: evidence from Russian listed companiesShumilo, Evgeniy; Шумило, Е.
2011Share price volatility and financial performance: The empirical study of multinational oil and gas companiesIsaykin, Maxim; Исайкин, М.
2012Empirical Cross-Country Study of Financial Supervisory Architecture: Post-Crisis PeriodAlekseeva, Anastasia A.; Алексеева, А. А.