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dc.contributor.authorLisovskaya, Polina-
dc.identifier.citationLisovskaya P. Image of the Russian Tsar Peter in the works by Strindberg and other Scandinavian fin de siècle writers. Scandinavian Philology, 2024, vol. 22, issue 1, pp. 123–135. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu21.2024.108 (In Swedish)en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe article deals with the image and the characterization of Russia’s tsar Peter the Great in a number of texts by some prominent Scandinavian writers from the turn of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The main focus is though on a short story “The Great” (English transl. “The Great Czar”) from the collection “Historical Miniatures” (1905) by August Strindberg. Surprisingly enough this text proofs to be an example of a highly apologetic narration of the famous Russian ruler and his doings. In the analysis suggested the reception of Peter is set against the background of Strindberg’s complicated relation to Peter’s foe Carl XII of Sweden, as well as to the Swedish writer’s self-perception within the contemporary literary circles. Moreover, “The Great” proves to be a manifestation of a providential view of history proclaimed by the author. In contrast to Strindberg his fellow nationals Selma Lagerlöf and Verner von Heidenstam suggest a much less complimentary interpretation of both tsar Peter and the time of his rule. On the other hand, the Danish Georg Brandes and Norway’s Knut Hamsun express quite acclamatory, though in the case of Hamsun vaguely based, views of Peter I. This lets us to conclude that the depiction of the monarch by the authors mentioned tells us more about themselves than about the tsar in question.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesScandinavian Philology;Volume 22; Issue 1-
dc.subjectPeter the Greaten_GB
dc.subjecthistorical fictionen_GB
dc.subjectAugust Strindbergen_GB
dc.subjectHistorical Miniaturesen_GB
dc.subjectKarl XIIen_GB
dc.subjectSelma Lagerlöfen_GB
dc.subjectVerner von Heidenstamen_GB
dc.subjectThe Charles Menen_GB
dc.subjectGeorg Brandesen_GB
dc.subjectKnut Hamsunen_GB
dc.subjectDmitry Merezhkovskyen_GB
dc.subjectAleksandr Pushkinen_GB
dc.subjectIlya Repinen_GB
dc.subjectIvan IV the Terribleen_GB
dc.titleImage of the Russian Tsar Peter in the works by Strindberg and other Scandinavian fin de siècle writersen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 1

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