Volume 2 (2021) Главная страница коллекции Просмотр статистики

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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 25
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Does Russian philosophy exist as such?Muravev, Andrey N.
2021Еruption from the spiritual rank. To the 80th anniversary of Yu. N. SoloninSokolov, Evgeniy G.
2021Scientific and philosophical potential of Soviet MarxismOsipov, Igor D.; Rybas, Aleksandr E.
2021Emmanuel Mounier and Nikolai Berdyaev: Personalistic critique of civilizationRozova, Ekaterina O.; Myagkova, Olga S.; Kobrinets, Maria A.
2021Prince V. F. Odoevsky in search of “Russian harmony”Kozyrev, Alexey P.
2021Dan Sperber’s philosophy of cultureKedrova, Marina O.
2021J. Butler and P. Strawson on resentmentLoginov, Evgeny V.
2021What and how Markus Gabriel proves in his book “I am Not a Brain”Vasilyev, Vadim V.
2021Martin Heidegger in the history of the European anti- Semitism. Reflection on the book of Donatella Di Cesare “Heidegger, Jews and Shoa”Dokuchayev, Ilya I.
2021Subjectivity as a cultural form of social reality. On the philosophical- theoretical potential of Max Weber’s interpretation of modernityAdolphi, Rainer
2021To the anniversary year of L. Wittgenstein: The experience of the French national receptionKostikova, Anna A.
2021Austrian metaphilosophy from Bolzano to the Vienna CircleMironov, Dmitry G.
2021Arthur Schopenhauer’s doctrine of free willVasilieva, Marina Yu.
2021“The Wissenschaftslehre 1804 (2)” of J. G. Fichte in the context of the history of philosophyIvanenko, Anton А.; Kryukova, Kseniya V.
2023Philosopher-erudite in the epoch of the French Revolution: Jacques Andre NaigeonKrotov, Artem A.
2021Medieval university as a space for dialogue of culturesKamnev, Vladimir M.
2021Heraclitus, fr. 94 Mch. (22 B 119 DK), and some aspects of ancient demonologyMelnikov, Sergey A.
2021Digital vigilantism: Performance versus reality?Kulakova, Tatyana A.; Volkova, Anna V.
2021The ontology of history in the retrospective of Russian philosophy (P. Chaadaev — N. Danilevsky — N. Fedorov)Kuznetsov, Nikita V.; Sokolov, Aleksey M.
2021The Enlightenment man’s project in the debates of liberalism and illiberalismМаrkov, Вoris V.; Larionov, Igor Yu.
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 25