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dc.contributor.authorChebykina, Ekaterina-
dc.contributor.authorAbakumov E., Evgeny-
dc.identifier.citationChebykina E., Abakumov E. Estimation of heavy metals content and regularities of its migration within a soil profile during pyrogenic soil formation in the context of the Scotch pine forest in Togljatty city // FOLIA OECOLOGICA, vol. 50, no. 2 (2023), doi: 10.2478/foecol-2023-0014en_GB
dc.description.abstractForest fires are among the most significant disturbances on a global scale. Affecting biodiversity and biogeochemical cycles, forest fires play an important role in atmospheric chemical processes and the global carbon cycle. Using the example of the pyrogenic landscapes of the Samara region, this article reviews changes in the accumulation regularity of heavy metal content and its migration within a soil profile during pyrogenic soil formation. In the case of surface forest fires, the studied postpyrogenic soils are characterized by increased cadmium, nickel and zinc content in the Opyr pyrogenic horizon. In contrast, the content of all analyzed heavy metals decreases compared to the control for crown forest fires, indicating active element emissions into the atmosphere.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipThe work was supported by the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young PhDs No. MK- 4596.2022.1.4. This work is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Saint Petersburg State University.en_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesvol. 50, no. 2;10.2478/foecol-2023-0014-
dc.subjectcontamination indexen_GB
dc.subjectdemutation changesen_GB
dc.subjectheavy metalen_GB
dc.subjectpostfire successionen_GB
dc.subjectpostpyrogenic soilen_GB
dc.subjecttotal soilen_GB
dc.titleEstimation of heavy metals content and regularities of its migration within a soil profile during pyrogenic soil formation in the context of the Scotch pine forest in Togljatty cityen_GB
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