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дек-2022V. K. Trediakovskii and A. P. Sumarokov in Polemics about the Sapphic StanzaLappo-Danilevskii, Konstantin Yu.
дек-2022A Rudimentary Motif in Greek Epic (Pylos Combat Agate and the Iliad 3. 369–376)Kazansky, Nikolai N.
дек-2022Antiphon in the New MillenniumTakhtajan, Souren A.
дек-2022Dikaiopolis in Despair (Aristophanes’ Acharnians 30–31)Nikolsky, Boris M.
дек-2022Were Homeric Glosses Part of School Education in Fifth-century Athens? New Interpretation of Aristophanes’ Daitales fr. 233Chepel, Elena Yu.
дек-2022De recentioris aetatis epigrammate Coi asservatoJerez Sánchez, Gonzalo
дек-2022Cynthia and Propertius, Haemon and Antigone: Prop. 2. 8, 21–24Rossiyanova, Kristina S.
дек-2022Empedocles on the Inheritance of Parental Traits by OffspringPimenova, Aleksandra A.
дек-2022Latin Impersonal Passive and the Category of PluractionalityChernysheva, Vlada A.
дек-2022A. A. Gruška as an Interpreter of AristotlePozdnev, Michael M.