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dc.contributor.authorМеркин, Д. Р.-
dc.contributor.authorMerkin, D. R.-
dc.contributor.authorАфа, Ф.Ф.-
dc.contributor.authorAfagh, F. F.-
dc.contributor.authorБауэр, С. М.-
dc.contributor.authorBauer, S. M.-
dc.contributor.authorСмирнов, А. Л.-
dc.contributor.authorSmirnov, A. L.-
dc.identifier.citationProblems in Theory of Stability. — Spb.: SPb. University Press, 2000. - 116 p.en_GB
dc.description.abstractДанное учебное пособие, дополняющее курс Д.Р. Меркина "Introduction to the Theory of Stability"(Springer-Verlag, 1996), используется в курсах лекций "Теория устойчивости"и читаемых на английском языке курсов лекций "Numerical Methods in Vibrations"n "Theory of Stability". Предназначено для студентов старших курсов отделения механики математико-механического факультета. Может быть использовано на других факультетах университета.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThis manual presents the solutions for the problems provided in the book entitled "Introduction to the Theory of Sta bi I ity" by D.R. Merkin (Springer-Verlag, 1996) as well as additional supplemental problems on structural stability. It is used by the senior students from the Departments of Mechanics, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics at St. Petersburg State University, who take courses in Theory of Stability, Structural Stability and Numerical Methods in Vibration. As such, it may also be recommended for students in Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, Control, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at various faculties and universities.en_GB
dc.publisherSPb University Pressen_GB
dc.titleЗадачи по теории устойчивостиen_GB
dc.title.alternativeProblems in Theory of Stability.en_GB
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