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июн-2022230Th/U age and paleobotanic description of the organic-rich layer from the “Ilya Prorok” section on the Bolshaya Kosha River (Upper Volga basin)Maksimov, Fedor E.; Petrov, Alexei Yu.; Grigoriev, Vasily A.; Konstantinov, Evgeniy A.; Kuznetsov, Vladislav Yu.; Arslanov, Khikmatulla A.; Levchenko, Snezhana B.; Karpukhina, Natalia V.; Starikova, Anna A.; Baranova, Nadezhda G.
июн-2022Ethno-territorial features of social inequality in the USAZhitin, Dmitrii V.; Prokofev, Aleksei D.
июн-2022On the method of surface-wave tomography and perspectives for its application in engineering seismic explorationLevin, Ilya S.; Ponomarenko, Andrey V.; Polovkov, Vyacheslav V.; Popov, Dmitry A.; Troyan, Vladimir N.
июн-2022Late Glacial and Early Holocene lacustrine sedimentation history of the northern Mologa-Sheksna Lowland derived from Lake Beloye sediments (NW Russia)Sadokov, Dmitriy O.; Sapelko, Tatyana V.; Bobrov, Nikita Yu.; Melles, Martin; Fedorov, Grigoriy B.
июн-2022Features of the formation of the Central and East Pacific La Niña typesMarchukova, Olesia V.; Voskresenskaya, Elena N.
июн-2022Thermodynamic analysis of primary and secondary mineral stability in melilite-nephelinite tuff with Australopithecus Afarensis footprints (Laetoli, Tanzania)Perova, Elena N.; Zaitsev, Anatoly N.; Spratt, John; Vlasenko, Nataliya S.; Platonova, Nataliya V.; Bubnova, Olga G.
июн-2022Urbanization and suburbanization: Which one determines population migration in Moscow Oblast?Karachurina, Liliya B.
июн-2022Formation of the settlement hierarchy: Zipf ’s law vs Central place theoryDmitriev, Ruslan V.