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Results 1-10 of 96 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Gender stereotypes and psychological well-being in young women: A cross-cultural studyСафиуллина Камиля Рустемовна; Safiullina Kamilia
2017Social and political stereotypes of Russian and Chinese studentsКостинова Любовь Николаевна; Kostinova Liubov
2017Personality traits, involvement of middle-level management and efficiencyХисамов Айдар Зуфарович; Khisamov Aidar
2017Spatial synchronization as conditions for the occurrence of Rubber Hand IllusionГорюнова Ирина Евгеньевна; Goryunova Irina
2017Image of an ideal marriage partner of women and relations in their parents' familiesВасина Ксения Михайловна; Vasina Kseniia
2017Perfectionism and life-meaning orientations of studentsБакашова Мария Романовна; Bakashova Mariia
2017Motivation in private and state clinicsЖилина Анна Александровна; Zhilina Anna
2017Communications of Adolescents with Different Degree of CreativityХудякова Ксения Васильевна; Khudiakova Kseniia
2017Bilingualism as a factor of adaptation in multi-cultural societyПавильч Кира Владиславовна; Pavilch Kira
2017Assesment of competencies of managers with situational judgment testsЛичутина Элина Ивановна; Lichutina Elina