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Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_Maryanenko_E_A__rec_2.jpg.jpg2017Coping strategies and risk factors of somatie maladjustment in employees of non- departmental securrityМарьяненко Елизавета Александровна; Marianenko Elizaveta
2017Coping with stress among counselors with diferrent level of educationНиконова Ксения Константиновна; Nikonova Ksenia
2017Intersubjective resources of hardiness of workers in economic uncertainty: A case study of specialists in socionomic professionsКруглова Екатерина Александровна; Kruglova Ekaterina
2016Individual and psychological characteristics of sportsmen under stressКовалёв Константин Сергеевич; Kovalev Konstantin
2016Psychosomatic manifestations under extreme sport loadКузнецов Дмитрий Андреевич; Kuznetsov Dmitry
2016Interaction between mothers and their pre-term babies at hospital during feedingГвоздева Любовь Петровна; Gvozdeva Liubov
2018Stress of everyday life and coping strategies in families with children suffering from Type 1 Diabetes mellitusКраско Анастасия Сергеевна; Krasko Anastasia
2018Coping with stress by drivers after road accidentsЧервонцева Виктория Игоревна; Chervontseva Victoria
2018Characteristics of eating behaviour and subjective assessment of stressful situations in womenМосковских Валерия Павловна; Moskovskikh Valeriia
reviewSV_2018-06-08_09-54-54_0078_Kostyleva_I_A__.jpg.jpg2018The dependence of stress level among rowers in pre-competition training on sociopsychological and organisational conditionsКостылев Илья Алексеевич; Kostylev Ilia