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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Professional identity crisis of fire safety studentsМорозова Анна Алексеевна; Morozova Anna
2017Development of professional personality qualities of cadets and educational crisisШугина Ксения Викторовна; Shugina Kseniia
2017Temporal perspective and identity in quarter-life crisisСеребрякова Кира Викторовна; Serebriackova Kira
2016Time Perspective, Anticipational Capacity and Proactive Coping Behaviour as Factors of Occupational Health among Specialists of Communicative ProfessionsЗахарова Анна Александровна; Zakharova Anna
2016Personal time perspective of alcohol abusersШамаева Алина Нурдиевна; Shamaeva Alina
2016Time perspective of women with eating behaviour disordersЛадэ Марта Дмитриевна; Lade Marta
reviewSV_Kutenkova_3.jpeg.jpg2016Maturity of self-awareness in future employees of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural DisastersКутенкова Оксана Юрьевна; Kutenkova Oxana
2016Personality time perspective as a factor for remission length for drug addictsМустафина Кристина Альбертовна; Mustafina Kristina
2016Characteristics of relations with a mother of patients with anorexia nervosaПуховец Юлия Анатольевна; Pukhovets Iuliia
2018Experience of loneliness and the level of neuropsychic tension in adolescents with high intelligence levelСамсонова Виктория Владимировна; Samsonova Viktoriia