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Результаты 361-370 из 401.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Characteristics of a personality experience of their own destructivenessФилатова Анастасия Филипповна; Filatova Anastasia Filippovna
2022Difficulties of mental self-regulation in athletes during COVID-19 pandemicСырых Инна Константиновна; Syryh Inna Konstantinovna
2022The attitude towards existential choice and death in connection with the meaningfulness of life in different periods of adulthoodГоряева Полина; Goraeva Polina
2022Individual factors of attractiveness of the Russian language courses for foreignersЧжу Фанлу; Czu Fanlu
2022Characteristics of educational and professional motivation of students-defectologistsКалягина Светлана Алексеевна; Kalagina Svetlana Alekseevna
2022Parental tolerance as a factor of gender identity forming in adolescentsШайтухина Александра Николаевна; Sajtuhina Aleksandra Nikolaevna
2022Fears characteristics of children living in a megalopolis and a rural region in connection with their mothers' anxiety and fear severityСизова Анастасия Львовна; Sizova Anastasia Lvovna
2022The balance of empathy and psychological and emotional resistance in different periods of adulthoodЛогвина Александра Александровна; Logvina Aleksandra Aleksandrovna
2022Personality and behavioural factors of resilience in early adulthoodЖелтякова Вероника Владимировна; Zeltakova Veronika Vladimirovna
2022Self-concept and an image of adulthood in connection with the manifestations of an age crisis in adolescentsГуляева Татьяна Олеговна; Gulaeva Tatana Olegovna