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Результаты 21-30 из 56.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Political branding of Russian parties on InstagramСоболева Виктория Владимировна; Soboleva Viktoria Vladimirovna
2021Managerial mentality and the public mind formation in the European UnionФеенстра Кристина Мария; Feenstra Kristina Maria
2021Political risks of digital surveillance in the context of COVID-19: Case studies of Russia, the United States and South KoreaТурилина Полина Юрьевна; Turilina Polina Urevna
2021Media framing as a technology for legitimising political decisions: A case study of "The Crimean spring" coverage in the federal Russian mass mediaСолдатенков Иван Вячеславович; Soldatenkov Ivan Vaceslavovic
2021Effective GR-strategies of private companies and state corporations in the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian FederationМоргуненко-Крамар Ярослав Дмитриевич; MorgunenkoKramar Aroslav Dmitrievic
2021GR in the formation system of corporate social responsibility of Russian business: A case study of a major metallurgical corporationРахманов Сергей Павлович; Rahmanov Sergej Pavlovic
2021Speech strategies in the political leaders’ speeches: The case study of Vladimir Putin’s and Rama’s IX speechesЧуенчароен Понгпон; Cuencaroen Pongpon
2020Social media as an instrument of public policy (on the example of civic initiatives in modern Russia)Поселенцева Валерия Николаевна; Poselenceva Valeria Nikolaevna
2020Future development of the party system of the Russian FederationБалюк Богдан Юрьевич; Baluk Bogdan Urevic
2022Digital diplomacy as a factor of ‘street politics’Киселева Ольга Сергеевна; Kiseleva Olga Sergeevna