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Результаты 1-10 из 23.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Calculation of the Casimir energy and the Casimir-Polder potential for systems with sharp boundaries by scattering theory methodsСидельников Арсений Артурович; Sidelnikov Arsenij Arturovic
2023Study of formation of cumulative particles in correlation with production of heavy flavors in hadron collisions at high energiesЮрченко Семен Вячеславович; Urcenko Semen Vaceslavovic
2023Problems of accelerated expansion in cosmology with extra dimensionsМнацаканян Лева Гагикович; Mnacakanan Leva Gagikovic
2023Investigation of the absorption spectrum of hexafluoroisopropanol in the region of overtones of valent oscillations of the OH groupСиавичай Мендоса Мария Хосе; Siavicaj Mendosa Maria Hose
2023Development of methods for calculating multiloop diagrams in dynamical theoriesТреногин Александр Владимирович; Trenogin Aleksandr Vladimirovic
2023Density functional approach to the theory of thin liquid films and vapor layersГостева Любовь Андреевна; Gosteva Lubov Andreevna
2023Metasurfaces sensitive to the orientation of the polarization plane of incident radiationСтоляров Василий Александрович; Stolarov Vasilij Aleksandrovic
2023Homogenization of multidimensional parabolic equations with periodic coefficients at the edge of a lacuna: operator estimations when the corrector is taken into accountМишулович Арсений Александрович; Misulovic Arsenij Aleksandrovic
2023Development of many-electron systems electronic structure calculation methods for studying the properties of tantalum and thallium nucleiПенязьков Глеб Олегович; Penazkov Gleb Olegovic
2023Calculations of the Ising model and electronic structure of atoms and molecules using the quantum algorithmsДурова Анастасия Вячеславовна; Durova Anastasia Vaceslavovna