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2022Terminological field "changement climatique/climate change/изменение климата" in French, English and Russian (on the basis of environmental discourse texts)Ермакова Екатерина Константиновна; Ermakova Ekaterina Konstantinovna
2022Transmission of synaesthesia in the translation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel "The Great Gatsby" from English into KoreanБэ Чжунсун; Be Czunsun
2022Ways of conveying communicative intention in translation of literary fairy tales from English into Russian: Pragmatic, linguistic, and cultural aspectsСидорова Людмила Игоревна; Sidorova Ludmila Igorevna
2022Titles of world classics in Hungarian and FinnishЕрмолаева Екатерина Константиновна; Ermolaeva Ekaterina Konstantinovna
2022Translation commentary in Russian translations of Hungarian literature in the second half of the 20th centuryСидорова Полина Сергеевна; Sidorova Polina Sergeevna
2022The lexico-semantic field of magic vocabulary (a case study of G.Darrel’s fairy-tale "The Talking Parcel")Татаринова Дина Артуровна; Tatarinova Dina Arturovna
2022A comparative study of English and Chinese onomatopoeic lexis (the novel by S.M. Kidd "The Secret Life of Bees" and its Chinese translation)Цзун Муяо; Czun Muao