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Результаты 1-10 из 14.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Key concepts in English lullabiesБердников Павел Максимович; Berdnikov Pavel
2018Lexical thematic group 'Television' in linguo-cultural aspect: A case study of print mediaЧжоу Жуньцзи; Zhou Runji
2018Lexical semantic group 'A mode of life' in modern Russian: Functional semantic aspectФань Синьи; FAN XINYI
2022Linguacultural image of Japan in the Russian culture bearers' mindsЛестенькова Елена Владимировна; Lestenkova Elena Vladimirovna
2022Lexical and thematic group "Victory Day": Functional semantic and linguoculturological aspectsРю Ыно; Ru Yno
2022Concepts of a woman and a man in the Dutch and Russian linguistic worldviewБелова Нина Александровна; Belova Nina Aleksandrovna
2022Linguistic means of company's self-presentation in parallel German and Russian textsКоновалова Мария Дмитриевна; Konovalova Maria Dmitrievna
2022Word-formation nest with root "сто" (hundred) : Functional-semantic and linguoculturological aspect (in comparison with the Chinese language)Ли Шо; Li So
2023Active Russian proverbs of the thematic group "Property. Owner. Guest. Wealth" (on the background of English and Polish proverbs)Митрофанова Валерия Владимировна; Mitrofanova Valeria Vladimirovna
2023Linguistic and cultural features of English ergonyms of the sphere of food service in St PetersburgЮань Сяочуань; Uan Saocuan