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2017The lexical means of derogatory nomination of "the stranger" in Russian, English and SpanishРоманин Евгений; Romanin Evghenii
2018Acronyms in English political discourse and problems of their translation into RussianКозырева Мария Андреевна; Kozyreva Maria
2018Pragmatic features of lexemes referring to female academic staff and students in Russian, English and ItalianГрищук Софья Александровна; Grishchuk Sofia
2018Variation of English translation equivalents describing the characters of M.A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita"Пушкина Анна; PUSKINA ANNA
2017A comparative analysis of the kinship and affinity terms as illustrated by vocabulary definitionsКаурин Милана; Kaurin Milana
2017English phraseological units translated into Serbian and Russian as illustrated by Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland"Куликова Ярослава Дмитриевна; Kulikova Iaroslava
2022The personification methods of text-based dialogue systems in Russian and EnglishХолманский Артём Александрович; Holmanskij Artem Aleksandrovic
2022The phenomenon of homonymy in English, Russian and Chinese (a study of dictionaries)Чжан Сыюй; Czan Syuj