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Результаты 1-10 из 186.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Charles Perrault's fairy tales in RussiaКозырева Анастасия Александровна; Kozyreva Anastasiia
2016Mixed marriages in modern JapanБыстрова Дарья Олеговна; Bystrova Daria
2016Contemporary artistic experiment as an act of communication within the theoretical framework (Niklas Luhmann)Носкова Елизавета Александровна; Noskova Elizaveta
2016English loan words in Modern Spanish as illustrated by Spanish magazinesПовалихина Мария Игоревна; Povalikhina Mariia
2016Development of the French youth jargon in the early 21st centuryЧернусская Виктория Валерьевна; Chernusskaia Viktoriia
2016Greek borrowings in Modern ItalianЖданова Юлия Константиновна; Zhdanova Iuliia
reviewSV_Otzyv_2_jpeg.jpeg.jpg2016Representation of the interconnection between the ideals of transcendentalism and the principles of nonviolence in the culture of the USA and Great Britain in the 19th-early 20th centuryВаргасова Дарья Сергеевна; Vargasova Daria
2016The linguocultural aspect of representation of the concept "death" in ItalianЗлаткина Надежда Анатольевна; Zlatkina Nadezhda
2016Adaptation of the text of Giovanni Boccaccio's novellas for the script of Pier Paolo Pasolini's film "The Decameron"Коптева Евдокия Анатольевна; Kopteva Evdokiia
2016Main allophones of labial consonants and their realisation in bilingual speech: An experimental phonetic studyМорсковатых Мария Сергеевна; Morskovatykh Mariia