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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 1234
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Expert evaluation of Lancelot Brown’s art in Anglophone discourseТуремуратова Алина Советовна; Turemuratova Alina Sovetovna
2024The use of emotional language in Anglophone customer reviews on beauty and health productСачовская Ева Ревазовна; Sacovskaa Eva Revazovna
2024Oracles in the comedies of AristophanesГорда Полина Витальевна; Gorda Polina Vitalevna
2024Using Computer Games in Teaching English to Middle School StudentsПоляков Глеб; Polakov Gleb
2024The emotivity of landscape descriptions in the English-language fiction discourseПриймак Виталия Витальевна; Prijmak Vitalia Vitalevna
2024Features of abbreviation in English and Russian social network text messagesСундет Дамели; Sundet Dameli
2024Linguistic characteristics of Internet communication in English-speaking social networksХудайназарова Джемал; Hudajnazarova Dzemal
2024Addresses in FinnishОзерова Екатерина; Ozerova Ekaterina
2024Teaching slang to high school students in an elective courseРинкон Михайлова Карина; Rinkon Mihajlova Karina
2024Teaching English phraseological units using TED talks to philology studentsСетдарова Мархаба; Setdarova Marhaba
2024Strategy of self-representation of Donald Trump during the presidential election campaignТихонова Анастасия Арслановна; Tihonova Anastasia Arslanovna
2024The use of onomatopoeia in a literary text to develop lexical skills in senior school students (based on the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by H. Lee)Рустамова Марал; Rustamova Maral
2024Strategies for strengthening argumentation in English-language research linguistic articlesЗинатулина Лилия Ансаровна; Zinatulina Lilia Ansarovna
2024Linguocultural features of English and Chinese jokesДу Шувэнь; Du Suven
2024Phonosemantics of the modern English poetic textТан Чутун; Tan Cutun
2024Translation specifics of lexicon within the sphere of psychology and criminology in cinematography (on the material of the German-language series "Freud" and its translation into Russian)Бергер Софья; Berger Sofa
2024The language-game techniques in the headlines (based on the materials of the Izvestia newspaper)Хуан Чжоюэ; Huan Czoue
2024Lexical and semantic features of the English advertising discourse in the sphere of tourismФан Мяомяо; Fan Maomao
2024Word-formation and lexical means of language game in children's poetry by Mikhail YasnovГайда Анна; Gajda Anna
2024Linguistic description of psalter Q.p.I.37 from the collection of the Russian National Library.​Беленкова Софья Сергеевна; Belenkova Sofa Sergeevna
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 1234