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Результаты 2891-2900 из 2963.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Teaching linguistic students argumentative strategies for electronic media discourseМамлеев Ильдар Ренатович; Mamleev Ildar Renatovic
2024Ethnographic vocabulary in descriptions of the material and spiritual culture of the ShorsКошечкина Надежда Алексеевна; Koseckina Nadezda Alekseevna
2024Youth jargon of celebrities as a translation problem (based on English interviews)Буглимова Арина Сергеевна; Buglimova Arina Sergeevna
2024Realization of the agitation strategy in oral political discourse: translation aspectЧуракина Диана Дмитриевна; Curakina Diana Dmitrievna
2024Jury trial in the creative consciousness of F.M. Dostoevsky (journalism and the novel "Demons")Моцко Игор; Mocko Igor
2024Memorial Sites in Discursive Regional Studies Teaching (GFL)Черненко Мария Андреевна; Cernenko Maria Andreevna
2024Formation of collocation competence in creative writing in English among high school studentsДудина Анастасия Яковлевна; Dudina Anastasia Akovlevna
2024Compound words in Modern Greek dialectsСафиуллина Яна Ринатовна; Safiullina Ana Rinatovna
2024Emotional verbs of the Russian language as an element of the Russian linguistic picture of the world (in comparison with Chinese)Ню Цян; Nu Can
2024Methods of creating language games in Russian children’s poetryЦи Цзишу; Ci Czisu