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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 118
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023On wavelet processing of numerical flowsХань Юньфэй; Han Unfej
2023Development of mobile application for recreational boat users in St. PetersburgГирин Алексей Романович; Girin Aleksej Romanovic
2023Investigation of longitudinal accelerated car motion as a holonomic problem with releasing constraintЙимби Арнольд Ндомпела; Jimbi Arnold Ndompela
2023Investigation of physical pendulum system oscillation with springsДиаките Нунке; Diakite Nunke
2023Developing a system for characteristics estimation of heterogeneous objects by acoustic dataТонких Артем Андреевич; Tonkih Artem Andreevic
2023Numerical simulation of nonequilibrium air flows in nozzlesХудайгулова Галия Галиевна; Hudajgulova Galia Galievna
2023Investigation of microwave discharges in air on the basis of extended hydrodynamic modelНапалков Олег Георгиевич; Napalkov Oleg Georgievic
2023Investigation and development of hybrid storage system based on Open CAS technologyПетров Иван Васильевич; Petrov Ivan Vasilevic
2023Investigation of mechanical characteristics changes of polymer and composite materials at agingЦой Валерия Владимировна; Coj Valeria Vladimirovna
2023Investigation of direct shock waves occurring in ionised monatomic gasРозыков Бахадур; Rozykov Bahadur
2023Application of optical-and-acoustic methodology for investigation of elastic characteristics changes in constructional materialsПетручок Алексей Иванович; Petrucok Aleksej Ivanovic
2023Numerical simulation of hypersonic flows using nonequilibrium air modelsГимадиев Владислав Александрович; Gimadiev Vladislav Aleksandrovic
2023Application of generalised Chebyshev problem theory for solving problems of damping some mechanical systems vibrationsБондаренко Сергей Олегович; Bondarenko Sergej Olegovic
2023Generalized sparse linear algebra library with vendor-agnostic GPUs accelerationОрачев Егор Станиславович; Oracev Egor Stanislavovic
2023Investigation of data distribution strategies in distributed storagesСлесарев Александр Германович; Slesarev Aleksandr Germanovic
2023Investigation of natural frequencies and vibration modes of elliptical platesНосов Евгений Павлович; Nosov Evgenij Pavlovic
2023Experimental investigation of context-free-language reachability algorithms as applied to static code analysisКутуев Владимир Александрович; Kutuev Vladimir Aleksandrovic
2023Universal initial duplicate search engine for the Duplicate Finder toolkitГлазырин Антон Георгиевич; Glazyrin Anton Georgievic
2022Global extremum search. The case of many equal extremeХэ Пин; He Pin
2022Testing statistical hypotheses using the permutation methodГребенюк Алексей Сергеевич; Grebenuk Aleksej Sergeevic
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 118