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Results 1-10 of 73 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Long-term variations of sunspot properties and their interrelationsОсипова Александра Анатольевна; Osipova Aleksandra
2016Formation of slow bars in anisotropic systemsСмирнов Антон Александрович; Smirnov Anton
2016Kinetics of damage and strain accumulation under high-temperature creep conditionsСаитова Регина Ринатовна; Saitova Regina
2016Peculiarities of failure zone formation at spall fractureСаргсян Владик Маратович; Sargsian Vladik
2016Particular solutions of Chapman-Kolmogorov equation and their connection with equations of mathematical physicsБаринова Ольга Вячеславовна; Barinova Olga
2016Precise simplex-method under integer initial dataАфанасьева Ольга Анатольевна; Afanaseva Olga
2016Cross-holdings and cascades of failuresСидоренко Кристина Леонидовна; Sidorenko Kristina
2016Infinite plates with elliptic inclusions under uniaxial tensionТарасов Андрей Викторович; Tarasov Andrey
2016Modelling and parameter estimation for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with a random coefficient of viscosityДмитриев Дмитрий Игоревич; Dmitriev Dmitrii
2016Formation of resonance lines in media with non-axisymmetric motionsШульман Сергей Георгиевич; Shulman Sergei