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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Application of “Smart-City” Projects for Sustainable Development of Saint Petersburg : a Case of Health CareЛапов Иван Сергеевич; Lapov Ivan
2018Influence of State Ownership of Oil&Gas Companies Equity on the Level of Participation in Foreign ProjectsБовыкин Алексей Юрьевич; Bovykin Aleksei
2018The Relationship Between Producer's Information on CSR Provision and Consumer’s Willingness to BuyКомиссаров Павел Владимирович; Komissarov Pavel
2018Influence of Mergers and Acquisitions on Banking ProfitabilityПашков Михаил Дмитриевич; Pashkov Mikhail
2018Intellectual Capital and Firm Performance in Retail IndustryВологжанин Сергей Олегович; Vologzhanin Sergei
reviewSV_L_2_A__Fedorenko_.jpg.jpg2018Influence of European Hub-Based Pricing Development on Gazprom Export StrategyФедоренко Анастасия Игоревна; Fedorenko Anastasia
2018The Effect of Innovation Types on the Performance of SMEs in the Hotel IndustryДенисенко Андрей Александрович; Denisenko Andrei
2018Determinants of Customer Satisfaction on Chinese and Russian M-Commerce MarketsШарко Ольга Игоревна; Sharko Olga
2018Market Basket Visualization for Hypermarkets with the Use of Big Data AnalyticsКроха Ксения Сергеевна; Krokha Kseniia
2018Modern Approaches to Identification of Social Effects of Transport Infrastructure Projects (the Case of Saint Petersburg)Мурышкина Анжелика Игоревна; Muryshkina Anzhelika