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Результаты 21-30 из 668.
Найденные ресурсы:
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reviewSV_Tikhomirov_2.jpg.jpg2017Corporate Brand Development with the Instruments of Corporate Social Responsibility: Example of JetBrains CompanyТихомиров Станислав Викторович; Tikhomirov Stanislav
2017Factors Influencing Adoption of Platform as a Service in UniversitiesЕфремов Артем Сергеевич; Efremov Artem
2017The Changes of Salesperson’s Skills and Knowledge Caused by the Fourth Industrial RevolutionБераза Шарль Луи Рудольф; Beraza Charles Louis Rodolphe
2017Artificial Intelligence Readiness in Russian and Swiss Based Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Companies.Фетисов Даниил Алексеевич; Fetisov Daniil
2017The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital of Board of Directors and IPO Performance of Russian Companies: Comparative Analysis of MOEX and LSEМостивенко Тимофей Евгеньевич; Mostivenko Timofei
2016Valuation of private equity deals in emerging countries: Application of the accounting-based modelМенг Фанью; Meng Fanyu
2017Method of Using Business Capability Mapping in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Strategic PlanningСидоров Александр Игоревич; Sidorov Aleksandr
2017The Study of Marketing Knowledge Management Role in Marketing Strategy of Telecommunication Companies in IndonesiaМарета Зелфа Лола; Maretha Zelfa Lola
2016Covenants of a credit agreement as a real optionКурепанов Валерий Дмитриевич; Kurepanov Valerii
2016Factors affecting knowledge management integration in small IT-enerprisesМорозова Дарья Романовна; Morozova Daria