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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 668
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Stock Market Reaction to Earning Announcement: Researched in Indian marketГупта Ахил; Gupta Ahil
2024Are Markets so Different? Forecasting Markets' Return with LSTM Model and OptimizationsХаскаса Энса; Haskasa Ensa
2024Optimization of IT Educational Platforms to Increase Student SatisfactionСунь Юйфань; Sun Ujfan
2024A Comparative Study between Logistic Regression and Artificial Neural Network Models for Bankruptcy Prediction on Companies Listed on Bombay Stock Exchange in the Indian MarketМешрам Химаншу Хансрадж; Mesram Himansu Hansradz
2024Corporate Social Responsibility in State-Owned vs Non-State Owned Companies: Comparative Analysis in Different National ContextsОгава Йохеи; Ogava Johei
2024Signaling Success: the Impact of Venture and Human Capital on M&A Valuations of Russian FirmsЛожкина Татьяна Дмитриевна; Lozkina Tatana Dmitrievna
2024The Role of Transfer Strategies in the Financial Performance of Sports Organizations: The Case of UEFAГолубенко Илья Романович; Golubenko Ila Romanovic
2024Cost of Debt and Equity in BRIKS Countries: Can Better ESG Performance Decrease Corporate Financing CostsЧумаченко Георгий Игоревич; Cumacenko Georgij Igorevic
2024The Impact of Institutions and ESG-Performance for Strategy of Multinational Enterprises in The Sanctioned MarketСадыков Хуснидинбек Хаётбекович; Sadykov Husnidinbek Haetbekovic
2024The Influence of Environmental Disclosures on the Stock Market in Oil and Gas SectorПроценко Сергей Алексеевич; Procenko Sergej Alekseevic
2024Profitability of Initial Coin Offerings: Potential Factors and Impact of Bull and Bear Cycles in Cryptocurrency MarketГладских Максим Андреевич; Gladskih Maksim Andreevic
2024The Influence of E-Recruitment Practices on Employee Experience in Telecommunications IndustryРастрёпина Екатерина Алексеевна; Rastrepina Ekaterina Alekseevna
2024Success Factors of Corporate Spin-Off Transactions: Empirical StudyАмерханов Руслан Юрьевич; Amerhanov Ruslan Urevic
2024The Prospects of Electric Vehicles on the Russian MarketЛипин Егор Андреевич; Lipin Egor Andreevic
2024Social Media Analysis Using Natural Language Processing Tools for Decision-Making in the Healthcare Sector: The Case of St. PetersburgЧомаг Иоланта Андреевна; Comag Iolanta Andreevna
2024Using Machine Learning Methods for Working Capital Optimization in CompaniesКаракай Денис Витальевич; Karakaj Denis Vitalevic
2024Factors Influencing Consumer Purchase Decision on the Russian E-commerce Market: The Case of Household GoodsБаджадж Анита Самировна; Badzadz Anita Samirovna
2024Predicting Young Candidates' Future Success: The Role of Basic Life SkillsГригоруца Дмитрий Владимирович; Grigoruca Dmitrij Vladimirovic
2024The Impact of ESG on Financial Perfomance of Chinese Companies during COVID-19Конопаткина Валерия Вячеславовна; Konopatkina Valeria Vaceslavovna
2024The Impact of Digitalization on the Performance of Petrochemical CompaniesФилимонова Элина Сергеевна; Filimonova Elina Sergeevna
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 668