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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 1041
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Employee motivation: The case of the Google companyСалахов Адиль Самирович; Salahov Adil Samirovic
2024Unified Сommunication System for Employees of Ground Public Transport in St. PetersburgГабушина Дарья Владимировна; Gabusina Dara Vladimirovna
2024Improving the Process of Planning the Purchase of Feed Additives by Megamix LLCКуранова Яна Борисовна; Kuranova Ana Borisovna
2024Environmental CSR Disclosure in the Context of Institutional Change: the Case of SeverstalХаритонова Анастасия Андреевна; Haritonova Anastasia Andreevna
2024Managing Employee Loyalty Through HR BrandingКорнев Иван Алексеевич; Kornev Ivan Alekseevic
2024The Nexus between ESG Ratings and Financial Performance in Emerging MarketsГемар Никита Ноэль; Gemar Nikita Noel
2024Automated Personnel Reward and Incentive Systems as a Tool of Compensation ManagementПритеев Никита; Priteev Nikita
2024Development of a Strategy for Bringing g a 24-Hour Self-Service Zone of the MFC to the Market of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad RegionКарауш Максим; Karaus Maksim
2024Factors Affecting R&D Expenses for Major Oil & Gas CompaniesЗулмуродов Бехруз Лутфулла угли; Zulmurodov Behruz Lutfulla ugli
2024Improving the Marketing Strategy for the Promotion of the Darus Clinic of Plastic Surgery and Laser Cosmetology in the Market of the Republic of KazakhstanКенетаева Карина; Kenetaeva Karina
2024Examining the Effects of Organizational Culture on Guest Satisfaction in the Hotel Industry, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company CaseТемникова Виктория Сергеевна; Temnikova Viktoria Sergeevna
2024Features of Organizational Stress Management at Toyota Motor CorporationСемкин Кирилл; Semkin Kirill
2024Implementation of the Knowledge Management System in the Process of HR-Division of the Company XРасулев Отабек Ойбек угли; Rasulev Otabek Ojbek ugli
2024The Effect of the Country of Origin Effect on the Perception of Chinese-Made Cars by Russian ConsumersКим Артём; Kim Artem
2024Formation of Multi-Channel Sales Strategy for the Pet Nutrition Business Unit within the International FMCG Company Operating in the Russian FederationШитикова Алёна Романовна; Sitikova Alena Romanovna
2024Development of the Brand Concept of the City CherepovetsКлочков Илья Сергеевич; Klockov Ila Sergeevic
2024The Impact of Flexible Working Format on Employee Job SatisfactionТаджибаев Эмиль Русланович; Tadzibaev Emil Ruslanovic
2024Increasing Staff Loyalty During the Period of ChangeБоровикова Валерия; Borovikova Valeria
2024The Relationship between ESG Factors and Financial Performance of M&A Deals: a Study of the Chinese and Russian MarketsАбдульманова Альфия; Abdulmanova Alfia
2024The Development of a Sales and Marketing Department Collaboration Enhancement Program for Lindaily LLCЧан Елизавета; Can Elizaveta
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 1041