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2016Internationalization strategy of Internet transportation network companies (iTNCs): Cross-country case study of Uber Technologies IncТройслит Юлия Геннадьевна; Troyslit Yulia
2016Mitigation of liability of foreignness through global value chain configuration: The case of Internet companies with Russian originВикторов Дмитрий Николаевич; Viktorov Dmitrii
2016Impact of corporate diversification on company performance and risk: Evidence from RussiaШафигуллин Искандер Ильдарович; Shafigullin Iskander
2016Internationalization strategies of chinese national oil companiesЛебедев Иннокентий Дмитриевич; Lebedev Innokenty
2016Vertical integration and internationalization strategies of Russian oil companiesБондаренко Дарья Владимировна; Bandarenka Darya
2016Evaluation of internationalization of logistics companies and its impact on key performance indicatorsБарковский Дмитрий Станиславович; Barkovskiy Dmitry
2016Market entry strategy for the internet-platform connecting business and its stakeholders (akme.info)Сёмочкин Юрий Андреевич; Siomachkin Yury