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Результаты 1-10 из 17.
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2023The Formation of Opera Theater in Kazakhstan in the 1930s-1940s: National, Repertoire, and Personnel Policies IssuesСафиева Жанель Адлетовна; Safieva Zanel Adletovna
2023Comprehension of Collective Trauma and Search for the National Identity in the Contemporary Art of the Caucasus in the 2nd Decade of the XXI CenturyХапсирокова Белла Назировна; Hapsirokova Bella Nazirovna
2023Regional Musical Theater in Modern Russia as a Cultural Institution: Strategies for Functioning and DevelopmentПрыткова Елена Евгеньевна; Prytkova Elena Evgenevna
2023Curatorial Practices and Strategies in the Art of Site-Specific Dance PerformanceГраф Ирина Григорьевна; Graf Irina Grigorevna
2023The "Severe style" and its interpretation in Soviet and modern art criticismБарышникова Елизавета Владимировна; Barysnikova Elizaveta Vladimirovna
2023The Art of Sandro Botticelli in Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet HistoriographyЦарькова Александра Витальевна; Carkova Aleksandra Vitalevna
2023Aesthetic Analytics of the Untimely Sensuality in CinematographyСтругова Екатерина Александровна; Strugova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
2023Corporate Collections in Brand Identity Formation: Strategies of Selection and ApplicationМатвеева Юлия Станиславовна; Matveeva Ulia Stanislavovna
2023Representation Features and Evolution of the Partisan Image in the Soviet Cinema of the 1940s -1980sПолякова Екатерина Викторовна; Polakova Ekaterina Viktorovna
2023Digital Art: Adaptation to Modern Social Forms of Consumption as a Symbiosis of Real and VirtualДавыдова Елизавета Денисовна; Davydova Elizaveta Denisovna