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Результаты 1-10 из 13.
Найденные ресурсы:
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reviewSV_noskova_review.jpg.jpg2018Transhistoricism as a Principle of Contemporary Exhibition Curating: A Case Study of Curatorial Projects in 2000-2010Носкова Елизавета Александровна; Noskova Elizaveta
2018Communicative Technologies for Promotig Scientific Knowledge and AchievementsСкворцова Екатерина Владимировна; Skvortsova Ekaterina
2018Developing Fractal Texture Generators to Create Content in the Processing EnvironmentИонина Ольга Анатольевна; Ionina Olga
2018Setting Up Art Exhibitions in the Perestroika Period in St. Petersburg: Approach DevelopmentПлатонова Елена Алексеевна; Platonova Elena
2018Designing Modern Expositions as a New Architectural Practice. The Conflict of Architecture and ArtРудая Ольга Владимировна; Rudaia Olga
reviewSV_Recenz_Baburina_E.png.jpg2018Booklets as a Form of Intellectual Support in the Contemporary Opera Industry: Functions, Strategies, ProspectsБабурина Екатерина Николаевна; Baburina Ekaterina
2018The Religious Paintings of Emil Nolde and His Polyptych “The Life of Christ“ (1911-1912)Тарасова Виктория Александровна; Tarasova Viktoriia
reviewSV_Soglasie_na_obrabotku_personalnyx_dannyx_Obuxova.jpg.jpg2018Communicative Strategies for a Foreign Company to Enter the Russian MarketКулькова Елена Александровна; Kulkova Alena
2018Social and Communicative Mechanisms of Inclusion in Modern Digital Education in RussiaСемина Анна Вадимовна; Semina Anna
reviewSV_Krom__Soglasie_na_obr__Axmetshin_Ilmir_Azatovich.jpg.jpg2018Music Minimalism in Contemporary American Independent CinemaАхметшин Ильмир Азатович; Akhmetshin Ilmir