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Results 1-10 of 172 (Search time: 0.022 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016To whom can we trust our security: Comparing students` attitudes towards private security guards VS police officers in the Russian FederationРафаилова Диана Константиновна; Rafailova Diana
2016Mausoleum architecture in the Middle East: Traditions and modernityГарлыева Махри; Garlyyeva Mahri
2016Art and money pricing in art gallery businessАвлиякулыев Бабаджан; Avliyakulyyev Babajan
2016New mediatechnologies impact on musical taste formationКрицкая Евгения Алексеевна; Kritckaia Evgeniia
2016Sustainability of social movements in Russia in the 2010sБутакова Серафима Антоновна; Butakova Serafima
2016Foregrounding as a rhetorical device in Marina Tsvetaeva's prose memoirsДыхно Марина Григорьевна; Dykhno Marina
2016The documents on the history of Milan in the 12-th century in the Historical archive of the Saint Petersburg Institute of History (Russian Academy of Scienses)Травин Иван Дмитриевич; Travin Ivan
reviewSV_review_ruk.jpg.jpg2016Metaheuristic search as a tool for inference in probabilistic programmingПотапова Вита Вячеславовна; Potapova Vita
2016A narratological analysis of Virginia Woolf's "To the Lighthouse"Гаврицков Арсений Николаевич; Gavritckov Arsenii
2016The Chinese-Taiwan relationship after Ma Ying-jeou's ascension to powerУварова Елизавета Павловна; Uvarova Elizaveta