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Результаты 91-100 из 149.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Kindergarten as a functional type of Soviet and contemporary Russian architectureБородкина Варвара Сергеевна; Borodkina Varvara
reviewSV_Soglasie_(Lodesk_i_Petrovoj).jpg.jpg2018The Contemporary Russian Blockbuster: The Conflict of Visual Appeal and NarrationЛодеск Владислава Игоревна; Lodesk Vladislava
reviewSV_A_Ivanov_review_on_Zubareva.jpg.jpg2018"The Life of Aleksandr Zilber" by Yury Karabchievsky and "Translator" by Arkan Kariv. The Father's Novel as the Intertext of the Son's NovelЗубарева Арина Игоревна; Zubareva Arina
reviewSV_NemnyuginSA_soglasie.jpg.jpg2017Application of neural network methods for calculating Lyapunov exponents in time series of EEG for differentiating various states of consciousnessКузьмина Дарья Сергеевна; Kuzmina Daria
2017Wavelet analysis application in studying coherency of EEG attention correlates in the recollection and imagination tasksЗеленкина Дарья Александровна; Zelenkina Daria
2017The 1804 Censorship Statute and its perception by contemporariesМарковичева Анна Михайловна; Markovicheva Anna
reviewSV_Arefeva_E_A__rec.jpg.jpg2017The on-screen world of the Strugatsky brothers: Andrei Tarkovsky, Alexander Sokurov, Konstantin Lopushansky, and Aleksei GermanАрефьева Екатерина Алексеевна; Arefyeva Ekaterina
2017American-Jewish identity in contemporary American literature: The case of FoerЦыпцына Яна Андреевна; Tsyptsyna Iana
2018The Influence of Middle Eastern Art on the Décor of Painted Glazed Ceramics of the Archaic Corinthian PeriodТарасова Полина Андреевна; Tarasova Polina
2018The Problems of Small Businesses in the Food Service Industry in RussiaИгошин Даниил Алексеевич; Igoshin Daniil