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Результаты 1-10 из 23.
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2022The theme of moral degradation in the work of G.M.Korzhev in the 1980sМалыхина Валентина Игоревна; Malyhina Valentina Igorevna
2022Environmental aspects of modern economy: fashion industryАскатбекова Гулнур; Askatbekova Gulnur
2022Cinema as a way of philosophical reflection: representation of madness in cinemaГрачёва Александра Андреевна; Graceva Aleksandra Andreevna
2022Ambiguity as Goal and Device in E.A.Poe's TalesВаркки Варвара Александровна; Varkki Varvara Aleksandrovna
2022The Objective and the Non-Objective in the Art of Wassily KandinskyДанилова Лина Владимировна; Danilova Lina Vladimirovna
2022Designing an Application for Automatic Recognition of Chords Based on Musical Audio SignalsУстинова Василиса Алексеевна; Ustinova Vasilisa Alekseevna
2022Rockwell Kent's illustrations for the novel "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville: the Birth of the Cycle Concept, the Story of Its Creation and Critical ReceptionСтадникова Анна Михайловна; Stadnikova Anna Mihajlovna
2022On еhe Verge of Contemporary Art: Visual Trends by Contemporary Artists in the Russian Media SpaceШувалов Николай Алексеевич; Suvalov Nikolaj Alekseevic
2022A Study of Wong Kar-wais’s style as a DirectorЧжан Пучжунтянь; Czan Puczuntan
2022Photo Documentation as a Representation Tool of Unofficial Art. A Case Study of the Photo archives of Leningrad Art-groups of the 1970s-1990s.Красноперова Галина Алексеевна; Krasnoperova Galina Alekseevna