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Результаты 841-850 из 877.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Extraterritorial jurisdiction in the case law of international adjudicatory bodiesКарасева Дарья Анатольевна; Karaseva Dara Anatolevna
2023M&A deals and investments in the global fashion market: legal analysis and current perspectivesМеньшикова Полина Михайловна; Mensikova Polina Mihajlovna
2023AML/CFT compliance: regulation in the European Union and the Russian FederationМаркова Анна Вячеславовна; Markova Anna Vaceslavovna
2023Force majeure under the CISGАнаньина Татьяна; Ananina Tatana
2023Personal data as consideration in a transactionОрлова Валентина Алексеевна; Orlova Valentina Alekseevna
2023Invalid transactions conducted in circumvention of the lawЖердева Елена Андреевна; Zerdeva Elena Andreevna
2024Characteristics of investigating murders concealed by staging another eventДектяренко Максим Валериевич; Dektarenko Maksim Valerievic
2024Crimes against the peace and security of mankind: concept, types, qualificationsСелигененко Илья Сергеевич; Seligenenko Ila Sergeevic
2024Legal regulation of mining companiesШебанов Данила Павлович; Sebanov Danila Pavlovic
2024Features of the investigation of robbery commited with illegal entry into a home,premises or other storageВасильева Татьяна Сергеевна; Vasileva Tatana Sergeevna