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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 599
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018The information war during political conflicts: A case study of the 1962 Caribbean crisisПоленичко Ксения Васильевна; Polenichko Kseniia
reviewSV_________________.JPG.jpg2018The image of a female politician in the Russian FederationМорина Ксения Владимировна; Morina Ksenia
2018The adaptation of American television formats on Russian televisionМнацаканьян Анна Андраниковна; Mnatsakanyan Anna
2018Community management as a brand promotion tool: A case study of the Internet Initiatives Development FundКист Дарья Дмитриевна; Kist Daria
2018Armed conflicts of the post-Soviet space in the Russian mass mediaБойченко Иван Андреевич; Boychenko Ivan
2018Ethical and legal aspects of the drag abuse problem coverage: Case studies of federal channelsДашевский Даниил; Dashevski Daniil
2018Intergrated marketing communications in modern state theatre promotionМиронова Маргарита; Mironova Margarita
2018A TV journalist in the labor market: The professional implementation of St.Petersburg State University graduatesАхмерова Анастасия; Akhmerova Anastasiia
2018Printed media design projects for information websitesХромышева Анастасия; Hromiseva Anastasija
2018Media system of the Republic of Moldova: Functional characteristics of traditional and new mass mediaШестопалов Вадим; Sestopalov Vadim
2018Extreme sports specialized mediaЧжан Исюань; Zhang Yixuan
2018Global news agencies development in the 21st CenturyЧернышёва Евгения Дмитриевна; Chernishyova Evgeniya
2018National propaganda organs in Chinese mass media content creationСин Чэн; Xing Cheng
2018Political crowdfunding technologies in election campaigns in Russia and abroadТретьяченко Андрей Михайлович; Tretyachenko Andrey
2018A journalist's image in modern television series of the United States and Great BritainПунпенг Чидпонг; Poonpeng Chidpong
reviewSV_Troxinova_soglasie_(Sufiyarova_Nametkina).jpg.jpg2018Digital communications in medical institutions promotionНамёткина Виктория Андреевна; Nametkina Viktoria
2018International music contest in the host country's image building: A case study of Eurovision 2017Орлов Никита Сергеевич; Arlou Mikita
2018The development of China's online sector in accordance with the 12th Five Year PlanЛи Ихэ; Li Yihe
2018Chinese philosophy of daily tabloids: A case study of The Southern Metropolis DailyЛю Хуань; Liu Huan
2018The War in Korea from 1950 to 1953 in mass mediaКим Дасыль; Kim Daseul
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 599