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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 61 по 80 из 598
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Main trends of the United Kingdom's foreign policy in 2016–2023Иванов Глеб Иннокентьевич; Ivanov Gleb Innokentevic
2024Legal basis of gender equality in the Kingdom of SwedenКирштейн Дарина Николаевна; Kirstejn Darina Nikolaevna
2024Development of China's transport infrastructure: assessment, prospects and international cooperationЮй Сяоян; Uj Saoan
2024Role of China's soft power in the 21st century: the case of the Chinese language and cultureЧжао Цзытин; Czao Czytin
2024International cooperation between PRC and Russia in the field of water resources protectionЧжао Инхао; Czao Inhao
2024The role of Italy in the modern system of global governanceОпря Елена; Opra Elena
2024"Rural revitalization plan" in the PRC strategyЧэнь Сыжу; Cen Syzu
2024Digital era of trilateral trade: cooperation and trade prospects between Russia, Central Asia and ChinaСун Юй; Sun Uj
2024The problem of land desertification in China and ways to solve itПэн Сюэ; Pen Sue
2024Image of the Russian Federation in the United States of America at the beginning of the 21st centuryБахарева Анна Дмитриевна; Bahareva Anna Dmitrievna
2024US public diplomacy featuresБраун Виолетта Владимировна; Braun Violetta Vladimirovna
2024National branding in the context of Russian public diplomacy in the EU countries at the present stageДьякова Софья Александровна; Dakova Sofa Aleksandrovna
2024British-American "special relationship" in the context of BrexitКим Марианна Вячеславовна; Kim Marianna Vaceslavovna
2024Role of the United States of America in integration and disintegration processes within ASEANПанаетов Фёдор Константинович; Panaetov Fedor Konstantinovic
2024Summitry diplomacy in U.S.- Russia relationsШахметов Тимур Рашидович; Sahmetov Timur Rasidovic
2022Fundamental foundations of Sino-Russian relations after the collapse of the USSRВан Вэньцзэ; Van Vencze
2023The Lack of Partisan Domination in Italy as a Characteristic Feature of the Country’s ParliamentБолиев Сергей Олегович; Boliev Sergej Olegovic
2023Challenges and Prospects for Post- Conflict Reconstruction in Syria: the International AspectsШулепова Елизавета; Sulepova Elizaveta
2023The Problems of Russia-NATO Military-Political Rivalry at the Current StageРоманова Диана Родионовна; Romanova Diana Rodionovna
2023National environmental strategies of East Asian countries (Japan, South Korea, China) in the context of the implementation of the Sustainable Development GoalsПрядильщикова Мария Вячеславовна; Pradilsikova Maria Vaceslavovna
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 61 по 80 из 598