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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 598
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Prospects of the democracy promotion policy in the post-bipolar era: the case of the USA and the EUСавостьянов Артем Андреевич; Savostanov Artem Andreevic
2024National security issues in the policy of the Conservative governments of Great Britain (2016-2023)Ивашенко Антон Иванович; Ivasenko Anton Ivanovic
2024Prospects for the development of Russian-Chinese cultural cooperation in the new digital order of the 21st centuryШохина Юлия Олеговна; Sohina Ulia Olegovna
2024Supranationalization trend in international law as an evolutionary method of searching for acceptable forms of deepening state cooperationДраганова Дарья Владимировна; Draganova Dara Vladimirovna
2024The role of Germany in ensuring european securityМурзич Степан Дмитриевич; Murzic Stepan Dmitrievic
2024Influence of the "Svenskhet" concept on Swedish migration policyСтепаненко Арина Артемовна; Stepanenko Arina Artemovna
2024Features of the formation of new alliances in the Asia-Pacific region in the 21st centuryУшатова Елизавета Максимовна; Usatova Elizaveta Maksimovna
2024China's contribution to solving the problem of climate changeХань Шичжао; Han Siczao
2024Brand of the city as a tool of soft power: the case of the cities of Madrid and RomeКветная Полина Михайловна; Kvetnaa Polina Mihajlovna
2024Transformation of the European Union under the influence of crises: the case of COVID-19 pandemicМальцева Анна Сергеевна; Malceva Anna Sergeevna
2024Overcoming the problem of Eurocentrism in Marxism and Neo-Marxism: the case of the concept of the Asiatic mode of productionСкрябин Алексей; Skrabin Aleksej
2024Public-private partnership in the field of big data technology in China and RussiaВаниосова Мелания Владимировна; Vaniosova Melania Vladimirovna
2024Human security in the Arctic regionКовалева Мария Владимировна; Kovaleva Maria Vladimirovna
2024Britain’s anti-terrorist activity: problem of interaction with international partnersГултыева Лейла; Gultyeva Lejla
2024Identity of the Nordic countries in the context of the crisis of multiculturalismСтельмашук Диана; Stelmasuk Diana
2024Environmental strategies of Canada, Australia and the USA in the framework of the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development GoalsПанченко Алина; Pancenko Alina
2024Prospects of long-term partnership between the Russian Federation and China in the 21st century as a counterbalance to the sanctioning influence of the WestЧжао Яо; Czao Ao
2024The policy of small States in the context of the transformation of the world orderЗолотарева Галина Владимировна; Zolotareva Galina Vladimirovna
2024Impact of population migration on public opinion in EuropeПодлужин Александр Евгеньевич; Podluzin Aleksandr Evgenevic
2024Quebec paradiplomacy at the beginning of the 21st centuryЧупина Юлия Александровна; Cupina Ulia Aleksandrovna
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 598